Posted by Adam Macqueen, 9th November 2011 | 3 comments

Well, Will Self can’t have been that cross about being revealed as the most frequent visitor to Pseuds Corner in Private Eye: The First 50 Years – he’s reviewed the book for the Guardian – to be precise, next Saturday’s Guardian, although they’ve put it online to save you the trouble of having to give them any money for it.

You’ll be pleased to know his review features the words “decal”, “pedagogues”, “pasquinades” and “epigone”.

In other news, Ian Hislop’s appearances on Five Live’s Pienaar’s Politics (about 48 minutes in) and Steve Wright in the Afternoon on Radio 2 (about 1 hr 38 minutes in) in the last few days mean that the Eye‘s anniversary has now been celebrated on every single national BBC radio station except Radio 1, not to mention BBCs One, Two, Online and the World Service.

It’s a bit like Stockholm Syndrome, isn’t it?

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