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Poppy seeds
CBE for minister with a tarnished CV HP Sauce, Issue 1640
CBE for minister with a tarnished CV HP Sauce, Issue 1640

Local troubles
The Rotten Boroughs Awards 2024 Rotten Boroughs, Issue 1640
The Rotten Boroughs Awards 2024 Rotten Boroughs, Issue 1640

Effluent London
The stench around Thames Water In The Back, Issue 1642
The stench around Thames Water In The Back, Issue 1642

In This Issue
Kate asks media to focus on issues, not what she is wearing… Doomsday Clock moves one second closer to midnight… FBI handed dossier on Mandelson’s links to ‘rogue country’… New-look upbeat Eeyore stuns Nurseryland… Brand new A-Ironyometer explodes… Dubai Telegraph: Isabel Oakeshott writes... That Dominic Cummings election advice to Corbyn in full… Conspiracy update: Neil Gaiman cancellation special… Totally Authentic Hitler Diary, as told to Craig Brown
Blood money
Why is it taking so long to compensate infected blood victims?
Loud appeal
MD on bold moves by Lucy Letby’s legal team
Media in crisis
Dark days for journalism, from job losses to shameless clickbait
Read these stories and much more - only in the magazine. Subscribe here to get delivery direct to your home and never miss an issue!

Why is it taking so long to compensate infected blood victims?
Loud appeal
MD on bold moves by Lucy Letby’s legal team
Media in crisis
Dark days for journalism, from job losses to shameless clickbait
Read these stories and much more - only in the magazine. Subscribe here to get delivery direct to your home and never miss an issue!