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Troll patrol
MailOnline feeds off its readers Street Of Shame, Issue 1641
MailOnline feeds off its readers Street Of Shame, Issue 1641

Dubai helps Russians get round sanctions In The Back, Issue 1641
Dubai helps Russians get round sanctions In The Back, Issue 1641

Poppy seeds
CBE for minister with a tarnished CV HP Sauce, Issue 1640
CBE for minister with a tarnished CV HP Sauce, Issue 1640

In This Issue
Exclusive to all newspapers: why I've always loved darts… Those Snowmageddon headlines in full… Shock poll reveals that if next election happened today things would be different… An important message from the Washington Post Truth… Clegg in Meta unfriending shock… The Elon Musk guide to the British constitution… Everyone pays tribute to emperor with no clothes… West End Shakespeare production not to feature Hollywood star… Predictions & pledges for 2025, as told to Craig Brown
Hot Tees
Accounting and security concerns from Teesside
Socially awkward
Social care and more with MD
Eloon Musk
In-depth coverage of Elon Musk's latest moves
Read these stories and much more - only in the magazine. Subscribe here to get delivery direct to your home and never miss an issue!

Accounting and security concerns from Teesside
Socially awkward
Social care and more with MD
Eloon Musk
In-depth coverage of Elon Musk's latest moves
Read these stories and much more - only in the magazine. Subscribe here to get delivery direct to your home and never miss an issue!