in the Magazine
Those new un-fact-checked Facebook feeds in full… World responds to Trump’s Panama and Greenland demands with counter offers… Badenoch makes speech admitting past mistakes… Transcript of that Liz Truss legal meeting in full... Lines written on the separation of Scotland’s most famous couple… Young people all signed off with stress… Kate pays surprise visit to front page… Homes not belonging to famous rich people probably burnt down too… Bruce Anderson’s Diary, as told to Craig Brown
The system is failing kids groomed for crime
The prisoners fighting the LA fires for $1 an hour
Chaos at the health service ombudsman

Including: In The Back, Street Of Shame, HP Sauce, Crossword, Funny Old World, Luvvies, Number Crunching, Me & My Spoon, Craig Brown's Diary, Mediaballs, Pseuds Corner, Letters, Lookalikes, Headmaster's Message, Cartoons, Strips, Music And Musicians, Agri Brigade, Signal Failures, Eye TV, Rotten Boroughs, Media News and
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In the Online Edition
Corporation tax»

Remote Controller writes…
WITH the feel of a placed leak, a Sunday Times front page write-off from a Culture magazine piece revealed on 12 January that culture...
Gulf links»

MORE damning evidence arrives of the Gulf emirate of Dubai’s complicity in bolstering Russia’s finances, enabling Vladimir Putin to keep shipping oil around the world while...
On a troll»

CLICKBAIT megasite MailOnline reported gleefully last week that actress Sydney Sweeney was being criticised online for “stepping out” (translation: walking along the street) with her male...
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